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Nous A8T WiFi smart plug with power meter, Tasmota firmware, MQTT support, Matter compatible (10A/2300W)

Nous 5905072800419 NOU-KON-A8T NOU-KON-A8T
BAR Code: 5905072800419
User Code: NOU-KON-A8T
Nous A8T WiFi smart plug with power meter, Tasmota firmware, MQTT support, Matter compatible (10A/2300W)
Primary app: Tasmota Firmware


Največja dovoljena količina za ta izdelek je 100000.

In stock ( 12 )
€13.73 €11.25 + VAT
€13.73 €11.25 + VAT

Thanks to the pre-installed Tasmota firmware, the Nous A8T WiFi power meteing smart plug can be easily integrated with open source smart home systems such as Home Assistant, Domoticz or OpenHAB, but it does not provide a factory cloud.Equipped with an ESP32 chip, it is a powerful (2300W/10A), yet compact, space-saving smart-connector. It is a Matter-compatible product and supports MQTT protocol.

Product Details

This Plug&Play Wi-Fi smart plug turns a traditional wall socket into a smart socket, so it is a perfect solution to remotely control home appliances. You can easily turn on your heater before arriving home or you can schedule the on/off switch of any device plugged into it.

Furthermore, the built-in power metering function allows you to monitor the power consumption of the controlled devices.

Nous A8T has extended power capacity, so it can safely manage any kind of high power devices, not exceeding 2300W / 10A (e.g. an ironing machines, electric boiler, electric heating).

This product version offers no factory cloud service but comes with factory pre-installed open source Tasmota firmware, with MQTT support, and it can be integrated with a number of open source and commercial smart home systems, such as: Alexa, AWS IoT, Domoticz, Home Assistant, Homebridge, HomeSeer, IP Symcon, KNX, NodeRed, nymea, OctoPrint, openHAB, Otto, IOBroker, Mozilla WebThings Adapter, SmartThings, Tasmohab, Homematic ip, etc.

Product features:

  • EU DE / CEU product version, meets EU standards, has CE certificate.
  • Built-in EPS32 chip.
  • Factory installed Tasmota firmware, offers no factory cloud but can be integrated into a number of home automation systems, like Home Assistant, Domoticz, OpenHAB, QNX, etc.
  • Power metering
  • Turning ON / OFF remotely – Anytime, anywhere, from now on you can turn all connected appliances on and off remotely
  • Status monitoring – You can check actual socket status (turned ON or OFF) and remotely switch the plug
  • Compatibility with voice assistants – Alexa, Google Assistant after connection to Home Assistant or similar software
  • Matter compatible


Primary app Tasmota Firmware
Connection protocol WiFi, Matter